A total of 58 species either visited my garden or flew directly overhead. Depending on the season around 25 of these species either breed in and around my garden or are at least regular if not daily visitors. A good mixed habitat helps, along with mixed food sources.

The playground.......
The feeders are to the left under the wind swept trees. A large border surrounds the garden that is utilised by the ground feeder birds looking for worms or seed spills. The House sparrows spend most of the time in the bushes nearest to the patio on the right hand side, while the corvids keep lookout from the Oak tree at the back.

The following birds are the regular daily visitors:

The First species of 2011 was a Blackbird.... almost always the early bird in my garden.




The star...... a leucistic bird

The regulars that always show up in good numbers




Blue Tit

Coal Tit

Chaffinch male


and these fellas live in the eaves of our house....


Collared Dove
and yes they NEVER leave each others side

and of course my Robin

With the first of the youngsters

an image such as the last one ceratinly makes the expense of the food more than worth the effort
I will provide a new post for the seasonal or more scarce visitors
After the easy introduction with the slow and lazy wing flaps of the gull species there can be a few opportunities to get Raptors in flight .... with just a little planning and effort.
We have a few Red Kite feeding stations around the UK. I try to visit Gigrin Farm once a year. Situated in mid Wales it is a 3 hour drive for me but always worth the effort.

Around 300 birds may visit depending on the weather and they put on a spectacular show.

Mirror image


full tail spread


a cloudy backdrop can make for a moody image

low approach

near and far

Thanks to Springmans post to the birth and development of in-flight photography, I have trawled through my archives to present a montage of my attempts of the last 2 years. Sometimes I even astound myself although the cost of a good camera and lense always makes life a little easier....... sometimes!

to take a look at Springmans idea that the slow lazy flight of Gulls are a good starting point and makes for easy practice certainly seems to hold true

although getting a mundane (cant think of a better phrase...) Gull against a moody sky can make an image look far better and more dramatic

or just get close and make life behind a camera even easier

a visit to the coast gives more opportunites to capture different species, and cliff top and beach settings give differing challanges

cliff tops mean you can often get eye to eye with your subject and if its windy you can capture great movement


or a sense of speed

Little Tern

This male Goldeneye was one of many at Pitsford Water

Stunning Plumage.....

display ......

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