Berries must be harder to come by now as the Thrushes have started to come to the garden to feed on apples.
A single Mistle Thrush stole the show on Christmas eve with his stand and fight attitude of saving the precious apples from anything that dared get too near
Fieldfare have now started to arrive in the garden, add the large numbers of Blackbirds the recipe for the remainder of the winter looks to be boiling up.
Garden highest count of 21 Redpoll on Boxing day and a brief showing for a day of a female Blackcap that flirted with the now resident male Blackcap
A single Mistle Thrush stole the show on Christmas eve with his stand and fight attitude of saving the precious apples from anything that dared get too near
although he did eat a little every now and again
the poor Redwings usually took the brunt of the aggression, but with a little percaverence did get to share
and voice their opinions
Fieldfare have now started to arrive in the garden, add the large numbers of Blackbirds the recipe for the remainder of the winter looks to be boiling up.
Garden highest count of 21 Redpoll on Boxing day and a brief showing for a day of a female Blackcap that flirted with the now resident male Blackcap
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