For over 30 years, the RSPB have been asking supporters to count the birds in their garden for one hour over a specific weekend during late winter. During this time, more than 3 million hours have been clocked up watching and enjoying the birds that visit our gardens (that's more than 380 years worth of info!), and every year, over 6 million birds are spotted and recorded. These figures go along way to understanding the trend of species that are indecline and those that are prospering more.

Of course the hrs watch is only a snapshot of whats going on, its great to get the kids seeing whats under their noses too but also its a quick indicator of how some species have fared after the winter cold.

I did my hrs RSPB Big Garden birdwatch on Saturday 08.45-09.45:
A Hard frost overnight
In order of appearance for 2012:

Blackbird 5
Housesparrow 5
Greenfinch 16
Dunnock 1
Goldfinch 4
Woodpigeon 2
Starling 3
Jackdaw 1
Chaffinch 5
Blue tit 3
Collared Dove 2
Lesser Redpoll 11
Coal Tit 1
Magpie 2
Great tit 2
Long Tailed Tit 2

This is how it compares with last year
In order of appearance for 2011:
08.45-09.45- same time of the day

Greenfinch 6
Blackbird 2
Carrion Crow 2
Robin 1
Starling 15
Lesser Redpoll 21
Blue Tit 2
Chaffinch 3
Woodpigeon 4
Siskin 3
Goldfinch 2
Mealy Redpoll 1
Magpie 1
Housesparrow 4
Dunnock 1
Fiedfare 1
Wren 1
Feral Pigeon 6
Collared Dove 1

2012 Vs 2011
16 Species this year Vs 19 Species last year
65 individual birds this year Vs 77 individual birds last year

What does it tell me? probably nothing that I didnt know before ..... Geenfinch numbers are up this year and have been over the whole winter just as the Lesser Redpoll numbers have halved just as they have over the whole winter, and most of the Starlings this year were busy pestering somebody else, But put together with the other million or two results it will paint a better overall picture.

Glad to have to my bit


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