my 232nd UK life species.

We have had a small invasion over the last few weeks across the UK of Glossy Ibis. A couple of fairly local sightings tempted myself and Phil to get out early and try to connect with them. First off was Tuesdays sortie to Tittesworth Reservoir in Staffordshire where a lone bird had been seen for a couple of days. Constant drizzle leaden early morning skies and no Glossy Ibis soon sent us packing back over the border....... not to worry!

Wednesday morning and off in the other direction into Greater Manchester and the moorlands of Bolton for the four that had been showing well over the past week. Contrasting day this morning, clear skies, strong wind and bitterly cold.

We had to search a little as they were not in the reported location, as we were beginning to hatch plan B, Phil spotted them exactly where they had been reported. They were mobile for a while and gave stunning aerial views as they hovered close to the car before settling distantly to feed.

I never did get all four in shot

Feeding frenzy

Wind swept

Close up

A brilliant few hours, and a stunning creature


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