The sea birds are back in great numbers! Gannets, Guillimots, Razorbills. Puffins,Fulmars and Kittiwakes are all back at RSPB Bempton Cliffs ready for the breeding season. Around 250,000 birds will have arrived by mid May all making use of the shear cliff faces that make ideal nesting ledges.... I say ideal as a pair of Gannets may just about get 12" of space to live, mate, feed, Incubate eggs and rear their off spring.... truly incredible. Most birds will be returning to the exact same spot as the previous years.

I try to make the 3hr trip at least once a year, the sound and smells are intense, the shear numbers are incredible, but the whole scene is spectacular.

Yesterday I arrived early and before most of the Bank Holiday visitors arrived. Its always busy so any lingering photo shots or just being stood there watching the vast numbers of birds needs to be done early in the day, by lunchtime I am usualy on my way leaving the extravorganzer to the masses!

First port of call was to the one of the viewing points to see the Gannets gathering nesting materials from the top of the cliffs, always stunning views as these images show.

Can this fella actualy see?

enough bedding for everyone

of course the real reason for all the birds being here is for the breeding.
This pair of Gannets are in courtship on the cliff face

The other birds are no less spectaular


Herring Gull
(standing on her nest, how about that for a view from your house!)


I partucularly enjoy seeing the Fulmars, however yesterday only a handful were showing and I didnt get any worthy images.

However this is really why the 100,000s of visitors turn up each year...
The iconic Puffin

Having a preen

just looking very cute

Of course being along the coast always brings a suprise or two, yesterday being no different I was able to bag myself a new bird, albeit too distant for more than  a humble record shot, however he looked stunning in the scope

Grasshopper Warbler

I think there is still time to make another visit in the coming month!


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