A day trip out from our mountain based holiday residence took us the 3 hours to Morrocoy National Park on the Northern Coast.
We tried our best to get at least a half day to relax on the beach and enjoy the sea but we were drawn to the wildlife that was around us so little time time to get the beach towl too wet! although it did rain.
Tri-coloured Heron
We tried our best to get at least a half day to relax on the beach and enjoy the sea but we were drawn to the wildlife that was around us so little time time to get the beach towl too wet! although it did rain.
Yes the sandy palm laiden beaches were picturesque and would I swap work for just an hour there now..... of course I would
but the reason to come here was to see the birdlife.
We knew what species we would encounter but the expectation and excitment was still strong.
Of course we could see the Magnificant Frigatebirds as we drove along the coastal road but we had an added bonus of a boat ride to an island that took us along the edge of the breeding area.
100s of pairs noisly went about their business
Breeding male
and unfortunatly not all made it...
this looks like a juvenile that has proably fallen from its nest
Brown Boobie
In our quiet cove we had wonderful Osprey taking fish from the sea while Ruddy Turnstone and Semi-palmated Plover fed on this rocky outcrop
The big fellas joined in the action and landed close by
Brown Pelican
we drove to a few hotspots looking for waders and added yet more to the trip list including Bicolored Conebill, Blue Winged Teal, Greater Yellow legs, Short billed Dowitcher, Wilsons Plover and Gull Billed Tern, Whimbrel and Black Necked Stilt.
Juvenile Greater Flamingo
and the adults.... which were in their 1000s
while we have plenty more shorebirds to mention
Western Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
Reddish Egret - (white phase)
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